


Rs. 38,490
Short Description

RO-R8CW - The smart and ultra-thin under-the-sink RO water purifier by 3M ensures low water wastage as compared to ordinary RO purifiers. It comes with an individual cartridge life monitor and DIY cartridge change, eliminating the need for any additional maintenance contracts for cartridge change

This one of a kind, tankless technology ensures no bacteria growth in the water you drink. The product comes with a 3 stage comprehensive purification :

  1. Pleated Membrane Filter with Compressed Activated Carbon - A highly efficient filtering system with multiplied surface area ensures removal of all contaminants and Volatile Organic compounds (VOCs) such as carbon tetrachloride and chloroform. This product ensures higher RO life preventing frequent fouling of RO Membrane.
  2. Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter: The RO Membrane filter ensures removal of heavy metals and other contaminants, theerby reducing the TDS to ensure water purity and taste.
  3. Compressed Activated Carbon Core: The fully optimized carbon core filtering ensures removal of all residual chlorine taste and odour to improve the taste of the water.

This unique tankless, no storage RO ensures no bacteria growth in the purified water, giving you water directly from the tap. This Ultra-Thin Design comes with individual cartridge monitor and simple cartridge change that allows you to change the cartridge like a light bulb.

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